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Click to go directly to:
1.1 Best Film (family) - Anagnorisis.jpg
1.2 Best Film (Comedy) - Social Distanci
1.3 Best Film (Drama) La Der Des Der.jpg
1.4 Best Film (Fantasy) - February 03, 2
1.5 Best Ad Film - Igenue.jpg
1.7 Best PSA - Paramaavadhi.jpg
1.6 Best PSA - Smoked Chicken Gravy.jpg
1.8 Best Experimental Film.jpg
1.10 Best Song.jpg
1.9 Best Music Video.jpg
2.2 Nominated for best film - Silent Mov
2.6 Nominated for best film - Looking Gl
2.5 Nominated for best film - Silver Cit
2.4 Nominated for best film - Death Offe
2.3 Nominated for best film - Lemon Chil
2.10 Nominated for best film - Earthling
2.8 Nominated for best film -
2.7 Nominated for best film - Car Troubl
2.9 Nominated for best film - Oil Painti
1.3 Nominee Best Director - Social Dista
1.2 Nominee Best Director - Lemon Chilli
1.1 Best Director (Motion Picture) - La
2.1 Special Award.jpg
1.5 Nominee Best Director - Anagnorisis.
2.2 Best thought Prov. Cocept - Ravaiyaa
2.1 Best thought Prov. Concept - Earthli
1.4 Nominee Best Director - February 03,
2.3 Best thought Prov. Concept - Secrets
2.6 Best thought Prov. Concept - Boat No
2.5 Best thought Prov. Concept - The Fru
2.4 Best thought Prov. Concept - PARAMAA
2.7 Best thought Prov. Concept - Social
1.1 Best Cinematography in Motion Pictur
2.8 Best thought Prov. Concept - Smoked
2.9 Best thought Prov. Concept - Looking
1.2 Best Cinematography (MUSIC VIDEO) -
1.3 Best Cinematography (Ad Film) Igenue
1.4 Best Cinematography (Experimental) T
1.5 Nominee - Best Cinematography - Sile


Nominated under 'Best of the Festival'

2.1 Nominated for best film - Boat 1093.

Special Award of the Festival

Best Director

Best Thought Provoking Concepts

Best Cinematography

1.6 Nominee - Best Cinematography - Look
1.7 Nominee - Best Cinematography - LA D
1.8 Nominee - Best Cinematography - Boat
1.9 Nominee - Best Cinematography - Febr

Best in Other Categories

1.2 Best Production Design.jpg
1.3 Best Dialogues Choreography.jpg
1.1 Best Costume Design.jpg
1.3 Best Dialogues.jpg

Best in Documentary

1.1 Best Documentary (Ocean).jpg
1.1.1 Best Documentary Director.jpg
1.2 Best Documentary (Cultural).jpg
1.3 Best Documentary (Biography).jpg
1.4 Best Documentary -
1.5 Best Documentary (Musical).jpg
1.6 Best Documentary (Historical).jpg
1.7 Best Documentary (Editing).jpg

Best Performer - Female

1.4 Best Performer Female Experimental f
1.2 Best Performer Female Ad film.jpg
1.3 Best Performer Female Music
1.1 Best Performer Female.jpg
Best of the Festival
Nominated - Best of the Fesival
Special Award
Best Director
Thought Provoking
Other Categories
Performer - Female

Best Performer - Male

1.1 Best Performer Male (Western).jpg
1.2 Best Performer Male (Comedy).jpg
1.3 Best Performer Male (Drama).jpg
1.4 Best Performer Male (PSA).jpg
Performer - Male

Nominated in Best Performance Category

1.1 Nominee Best Actor Billy.jpg
1.2 Nominee Best Actor Anusree.jpg
1.3 Nominee Best Actor Carlos.jpg
1.4 Nominee Best Actor - oLGA.jpg
1.5 Nominee Best Actor Ramesh Thorat.jpg
1.6 Nominee Best Actor Lauren Cornelius.
1.7 Nominee Best Actor.jpg
1.9 Nominee Best Actor Vineeth Vasudevan

Best Honorable Mention

1.28 Honorable Mention Paus.jpg
1.29 Honorable Mention Lorca on the Road
1.30 Honorable Mention Change The World.
1.31 Honorable Mention Vodou's
1.32 Honorable Mention Soborno I..jpg
1.14 Honorable Mention The Electrishman
1.15 Honorable Mention Eve's addiction.j
1.16 Honorable Mention Cage.jpg
1.17 Honorable Mention The Man In The Mi
1.18 Honorable Mention Raiders of the Hi
1.19 Honorable Mention Vihaan.jpg
1.2 Honorable Mention - U Sifonjeru.jpg
1.20 Honorable Mention Digits of Pi.jpg
1.21 Honorable Mention Aquarium.jpg
1.22 Honorable Mention School Fee ? shor
1.23 Honorable Mention Now.jpg
1.24 Honorable Mention Kaleidoscope.jpg
1.25 Honorable Mention Urbis Imago.jpg
1.26 Honorable Mention If I was a Hummin
1.27 Honorable Mention The wave.jpg
1.11 Honorable Mention Durga's Lockdown.
1.1 Honorable Mention - Earthlings.jpg
1.10 Honorable Mention Augusta and Anton
1.4 Honorable Mention - Death Offers Lif
1.5 Honorable Mention Gogh.jpg
1.6 Honorable Mention Result Aaya kya?.j
1.7 Honorable Mention Click.jpg
1.8 Honorable Mention New Normal.jpg
1.9 Honorable Mention Bindiya.jpg
Nominated - Perfomance
Honorable Mention
1.13 Honorable Mention Monster.jpg
1.12 Honorable Mention zzz.jpg
1.3 Honorable Mention - Preserve.jpg
Cover photo - 6.jpg

Only if it were possible, we would have given Certificate to every filmmaker who participated and turned our small world Bigger. Thank you to all for making beautiful films. We bless you and wish you the best for your future endeavours.

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